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The First Religion on Earth-Christianity.

The 3rd Day Resurrection of Jesus Christ Was Prophesied on the 3rd Day of Creation.

By Joseph Ferrari


It shows that Christianity is the only true religion. It shows that whatever religion you believe or whether you are an atheist, when you die you will meet Jesus Christ, you will be judged by Him whether you believed Him for the forgiveness of your sins and whether you followed Him as Lord, and you will go to Heaven or Hell accordingly. See point 14 below.

All verses quoted are from the King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version.

"And God said, Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree, yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day." Genesis 1:11,12,13.

"And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the son of Man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a CORN (seed) of wheat fall into the ground and DIE, it abideth alone: but if it DIE, it bringeth forth much fruit." John 12:23,24.

"the Lamb, slaine from the FOUNDATION of the WORLD." (As in the creation account above) Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 1:18-21.

The word "seed" in Genesis 1:11&12 is a symbol of Jesus Christ as will be proven in verses following. There are many symbols in the Old and New Testaments in the Holy Bible for Jesus Christ. "Seed" is only one. The most known being the "Lamb of God". A few other examples will follow. The word "his" above refers to man in the case of the "herb" and to the Holy Ghost in the case of the "fruit". This will be proven below.

This dissertation will prove: (click on each link below)

  1. The Method of Interpretation.  Also, Jesus Christ always existed & has no beginning & created all things & everyone.
  2. That Christianity was the first religion on earth and is the only correct religion on earth.
  3. Other religions. The 1st book in the Bible, Job, was written 4000 BC before any other religion & prophesied of Jesus' resurection.
  4. That THE SIX DAYS OF CREATION were actual days but THE FIRST THREE DAYS WERE LONGER THAN THE NORMAL TWENTY-FOUR HOUR DAY, and that the fourth day and the days following were the usual duration of a day as in our time.
  5. LEADING SCHOLARS say the Greek manuscripts of the other versions, mostly the SINAITICUS/VATICANUS also known as the Westcott & Hort, ARE NOT OLDER AND MORE RELIABLE than the Greek manuscripts the King James uses, the Textus Receptus and also known as the Erasmus, and they say that the SINAITICUS/VATICANUS MANUSCRIPTS ARE CORRUPTED
  6.  IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A WORD FOR WORD TRANSLATION WITHOUT THE "THEE'S" "YEE'S" "THOU'S ETC AND THE INLFLECTIONAL ENDINGS LIKE ".....EST" ".....TH" as they are in the original Hebrew and Greek!! AND Any version that is not a word for word translation is not accurate. AND You have to translate out of the correct original manuscripts. Only the King James Version has all three of these.
  7. Research shows the archaisms like "thou", "thee", "ye" and endings in "...th", "....st" etc. WERE NOT COMMON in the day the King James bible was done
  8. The BIBLE ITSELF in Psalms 12:6 states that the KING JAMES version of the Holy Bible is the ONLY CORRECT VERSION. And that the other versions after it are, (as the co-founder of the New American Standard Version confessed about the New American Standard Version after it was finished)- "Satanic deception". These are the words he himself used to describe the NASB, the New American Standard Version, when that version was completed
  10. And by showing Bible verses not preached in many of the Christian American Churches today, and that the writings and letters of Christians of the first and second and following centuries taught, that SALVATION can only be obtained through REPENTANCE first, then FAITH, and then WORKS and by REMAINING in faith and works; what the definition of repentance is; that you cannot obtain grace and forgiveness for your sins without repentance; that you can lose your salvation as taught by these verses and according to the first and second century Christian church (as well as in all centuries), and that "eternal security", or "ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED" is the FALSE DOCTRINE OF BALAAM according to and WARNED ABOUT in the Bible in the New and Old Testaments and THE WRITINGS OF JOSEPHUS, who quotes Balaam's doctrine, which will be proven to be what the proponents of "eternal security" teach
  11. Also, the order of THE FOUR GOSPELS as they appear in the Bible REPRESENT THE ORDER of THE FOUR STEPS OR THE FOUR LAWS OF SALVATION: Repentance, Faith, Works, Remain
  12. THE EXACT YEAR of Israel's second and final return, 1948, WAS PROPHESIED in the Bible
  13. THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST of Christianity has visible and experiential power OVER ANY OTHER POWER OF ANY OTHER RELIGION or belief
  14. SCIENTIFIC PROOF, not just evidence, OF LIFE AFTER DEATH...HEAVEN & HELL.   Scientists release Proof that Life After Death is now a Scientific Fact. "This is the Proof we've been looking for all along" Dr Michael Sabom. In the documentary "After Death" released in theaters 10/27/2023, Proof was shown of 4,000 patients that died apprx 30 to 60 minutes - Completely Flat Lining on all Vitals: Brain, Heart, Respiratory, Nerves etc. were resuscitated back to life & could recount the specific details of all that took place in the operating room during that time: What doctor did what, what nurse left the room, what machines & equipment were used & when, & every word that was said, etc. All 4,000 patients also left the room during this time & went to either Heaven or the threshold of Hell. 23% went to Hell. Everyone met Jesus Christ as the "Owner of the Universe" REGARDLESS of their Religion or whether they were an atheist. The 4,000 were ones Christ decided to bring back to life for a purpose. It has been estimated that the vast majority who die & do not come back do go to Hell. The evidence shows that Christianity is the only true religion. It shows that whatever religion you believe or whether you are an atheist, when you die you will meet Jesus Christ, you will be judged by Him whether you believed Him for the forgiveness of your sins and whether you followed Him as Lord, and you will go to Heaven or Hell accordingly. See the movie "After Death" released 10/27/2023 now available to view or purchase online on all major & other various sources including Angel.com. Read the books "Beyond Death's Door" and "To Hell and Back" both by Maurice Rawlings M.D.  Note: Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" is obviously the normal general rule, it does not mean there are no exceptions obviously or then it would Directly Contradict Hebrews 11:35 & John 11:41-44 & other passages.


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